Referee registration for Casey Cup 2020

Welcome to the Casey Cup. We look forward to seeing you referee at Casey Fields.

Please fill out the below form. This information will assist tournament staff and referee coordinators to allocate referees to games.

Matches will take place on Friday 27th March between 3pm and 9pm, Saturday 28th March from 9am until 9pm and Sunday 29th March from 9am until 6pm. Please indicate your availability across the whole weekend. You can referee anywhere from half a day to all 3 days. The availability screen is on the second page.

Payment will be made via bank transfer around a week after the event. please enter you bank details on the form. Please note due to the size of the event we cannot pay cash on the day.

If you have been appointed through your local referee branch coordinator please indicate your branch location.

Please also list your regular level of competition so we can ensure you are appointed to the appropriate level of matches.

Referees may be provided with an event shirt however this will be confirmed closer to the event. Please indicate your size.

Please Note:
- Referee NR refers to your FFA Referee ID number
- Clearing Number refers to your BSB number
- Referees residing in Melbourne will not be provided accommodation for this tournament due to it being held in Metro Melbourne. Referees from outside Melbourne may be provided accommodation at the discretion of the Australian Football Skool

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If the tournament wants, they are allowed to show my name in public, for example in order for other referees to choose me as a partner or in game tables in the tournament game schedule

After you've sent in your registration, you can add your availability.